Personal assistant bots to improve user experience, chatbots to increase customer engagement, site monitoring bots to improve site performance, etc. These “good bots” provide some
The process of transforming plain text into unintelligible code, or ciphertext, is called encryption. Its goal is to hide private information so that people who
Social engineering attacks like phishing and smishing persuade victims to divulge private information. Phishing is the practice of sending emails containing harmful links or attachments.
Secure Socket Layers (SSL) Certificates, also known as Digital Certificates, are files that contain information about organizations’ cryptographic keys. To establish a secure connection between
Website accessibility is crucial for all business types, particularly given that customers demand more and more that their online transactions be quick and simple in
No matter how well-configured your web hosting servers are, there is always the possibility that they will be damaged in a disaster. Disasters are unavoidable,
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks are common; they even affect some BigTech companies. Netflix experienced CSRF vulnerabilities in 2006. Attackers could alter shipment addresses, login