Crystal Report – One of the Best Reporting System

There are many reasons why you must use Crystal Report here. It has so many distinctive characteristics that have elevated it to the top spot among business intelligence platforms. Let’s learn more about Crystal Reports before the specialists at Idea Usher get into the variety of these factors. And how does it improve the efficiency, smarts, and convenience of our business navigation?

Crystal Report Overview

SAP has been selling Crystal Reports since 2007. It is a business intelligence tool that enables you to offer small businesses intelligent reports. Additionally, it enables you to design, produce, and publish structured business reports.

altering and streamlining your company’s decision-making process as a result. making your company navigation personalized, intelligent, and dynamic. It expedites the creation of your company’s strategy.

You can grow your business since it enables small firms to receive insightful and dynamic reporting.

This BI tool creates strong and distinctive visualizations based on the user’s business model. All the eye-catching images came from various data sources. These data sources create your company’s dynamic visuals in accordance with the model type.

Users can select from a wide range of layout alternatives as well. They could change and modernize their business operations with the aid of this. It will also assist the organization in gaining a number of additional business insights.

The fact that this BI software is accessible via both on-premises and cloud-based platforms is its most fascinating feature.

In the simplest way possible, you may swiftly examine and report your business data. Similar to this, creating interesting and creative layouts for business reports is as easy as dragging and dropping.

Rundown for SAP Crystal Reports

We’ll delve more into Crystal Reports’ history in the following blog post. Crystal Reports was purchased by SAP in 2007. To meet the needs of their small and medium-sized businesses after the acquisition, they put progressive architecture into place.

However, there were some problems with volatility, which SAP soon resolved by incorporating a redesigned user interface. The new user interface consequently energized the companies and drew in new clients.

These characteristics drew companies of all sizes to try out this cutting-edge business intelligence tool. The new interface dramatically changed how people collected data in the past because it combined all the facts to produce collective insights.

Additionally, it was far more practical and simple to compile data and generate business insights. Data that is transmitted in numbers is more powerful, just like everything else in the world. Therefore, by utilizing the platform, we can fundamentally transform and reinvent the way we now evaluate data.

SAP Crystal Report Features

Our preference is SAP Crystal Reports because it has so many essential features. All these characteristics make it the best option for firms of all sizes given that it is a business intelligence tool on the market.

All these important characteristics will be covered in the following section of our blog. So without further ado, let’s get started!

1. Building Reports Using Design Wizards

You don’t need to be an expert programmer to create reports with this BI platform. You may quickly create reports for your company using its intelligent tools, including design wizards and parametrization abilities.

This feature of Crystal Reports makes it a fantastic BI platform that anyone, regardless of their industry, can utilize.

2. Leverage Built-In Tools

It is integrated with so many more tools in addition to the parametrization abilities and design wizards. Utilizing SAP Crystal Reports is a simple way to carry out features like built-in sorting, filtering, rating, and other similar tasks.

Additionally, this BI platform has preloaded utilities like conditional formatting, search capabilities, grouping, and parameters.

3. Integrated Charts

The most important requirement when writing any company report is that it be simple to comprehend. Nobody will pay attention to your business report if it is excessively lengthy and dull.

The platform has a wide variety of charts preloaded to help solve this issue. Histograms, pie charts, bar charts, area charts, funnel charts, and radar charts are some examples of these graphs. These charts make your business reports simple to evaluate and comprehend when used in them.

4. User Identification

The management of your reporting environment’s security is crucial. Any unauthorized access could be very risky for the business.

The software includes built-in security mechanisms to safeguard your reports to prevent such occurrences.

Users may be identified very effectively with single sign-on capabilities. Consequently, restricting access to your company’s reports to those who are permitted.

5. Individual Reports Auditing

Individual report auditing is a fun feature of SAP Crystal Reports.

To audit each report individually, one can keep track of all the modifications and how they are used. As a result, managing a firm is easier and more effective.

It significantly improves the security settings for all enterprises, large and small, in the reporting environment.

6. Sharing Business Analytics

Any business intelligence tool must provide the ability to share business analytics. You may efficiently share your business facts with others using this BI platform. This will make it easier for them to comprehend your company.

Additionally, it creates and supports a culture of structured decision-makers for your business.

7. Mobile Accessibility

In today’s society, having access to all the tools while on the go is essential. With SAP Crystal software, mobile accessibility is simple and rapid.

All of the self-service business intelligence reports can have mobile access enabled.

8. Integrated Directory Protocols

But in addition to the aforementioned point, measures are taken to ensure the user’s access is secure and trouble-free. To provide users with speedy access, the BI platform has integrated lightweight directory access protocols.

To make user access simple and secure, the platform also includes additional capabilities like active directories.

9. Added Flexibility

Your company will have more reporting flexibility if you use integrated wizards and unique parameters. You may shape your company to meet the needs of your customers thanks to all the tools and features.

resulting in personalized, intelligent, and comfortable business reporting. You may produce ready-to-use reports in the shape of various charts, print them off, and give them out to anyone.

10. Print-Ready Reports

The application gives you the option to use reports that are print-ready. When you don’t know how to program, you can still produce reports and dashboards thanks to this capability. Or perhaps you are pressed for time.

You can offer ready-to-use reports and dashboards to your clients, customers, suppliers, or coworkers in both situations.

11. Business Model Specific Solutions

No matter their size or industry, all firms desire specialized solutions for their operations. You can design unique reports with SAP Crystal Reports for your company analytics.

The reporting needs solutions created by this BI, designed for small and medium-sized businesses, can help your business.

The in-depth examination of each feature is sufficient to illuminate why we adore SAP Crystal Reports. It is a great tool for producing detail-oriented analysis reports for your company.

3 Reasons to Use Crystal Reports

Here are 3 reasons why you must use Crystal Reports:

1. Dynamic

Growth and time go hand in hand. Only if technology keeps improving over time to keep up with the expanding planet will it make sense. One of the main reasons we adore SAP Crystal Reports is because of this.

The business SAP is a dominant force in the industry. They are a top option for BI systems due to their creative and captivating business analytics solutions. Consequently, their extensive variety of services filter billions of dollars every year.

Business owners are making a wise decision by using Crystal Reports because they are selecting a clever technique for data analysis. These components are also rigorously verified before being released into the market.

In addition to the above mentioned facts, its frenzied ownership has attracted an abundance of developers. They have been able to provide better solutions for all kinds of business owners because to this. This factor has produced a huge network of experts in local technology.

Users can now use a variety of sources to generate holistic visualizations. This feature gives their company’s market positioning greater context. hence assisting their growth in the industry.

2. Affordable

No company, large or little, wants to make a significant financial commitment, especially in the early stages. This issue is addressed by the following functionality of the SAP intelligent report program.

The cost of Crystal Reports is predetermined. You no longer need to invest a sizable sum of money in the BI platform.

Additionally, all of the services and resources it offers at this cost are completely worth it. The cost is not excessively high. Small enterprises may therefore afford it as well. For businesses who wish to expand gradually without breaking the bank, this is fantastic.

Each licensed user will need to pay 295 USD for SAP Crystal Reports 2016. Therefore, this BI tool is a great choice for small organizations as well. Additionally, there are cheaper, older versions of SAP Crystal Reports accessible. Users can access smart tools for their companies at such a low cost and gain greater understanding of their companies.

Another solution is you can host your Crystal Report with hosting provider that support it. We (ASPHostPortal) offer low cost Crystal Report hosting. You can start from our Host One plan and the subscribed our Crystal Report addon in order to use Crystal Report, it will cost additional $3.00/month, pretty cheap, right?

3. Crystal Report is Powerful

The most notable aspect of SAP Crystal Reports is its versatility as a BI platform. Users can alter their company reports in accordance with their tastes and needs. The following are some SAP Crystal Reports capabilities:

  • Presence of Multilingual business reporting.
  • Compatible with MS Excel, MS Access, Oracle, IBM DB2, SQL, Salesforce, etc.
  • Integrated with preset reporting formulas for faster calculations and visualizations.
  • Comprehensive library for design layouts and other tools.

In addition to all of these features, Crystal Reports offers its consumers a wide range of powerful tools. 24 different languages are available for its services. This meets the demands of the international market.

Almost everyone is compatible with the SAP Business Intelligence platform. The SAP Business Platform is a better option because it is compatible with a large variety of mobile applications.

SAP is more convenient to use and significantly more cheap than alternative BI platforms. Users can use SAP Crystal Reports without any prior training. It is a fantastic option for a business intelligence platform because of all these features.


In summary, SAP Crystal Reports is a well-established BI platform that has been around longer than its competitors. It is a great choice for small enterprises because it is inexpensive, brimming with useful tools and features, and lively.

The product has undergone numerous revisions and is constantly improving. It is continually enhanced to better meet the demands of its users and keep pace with the development of technology.

Host your Crystal Report online as low as $5.00/month with ASPHostPortal. Our fully featured hosting already includes

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